Monday, July 23, 2012

"traditional" marketing copies the internet?!

Are the intrusive marketing strategies of the internet becoming adopted by traditional media outlets? Banners, pop-ups and bugs are nothing new to television viewers, taking up the lower-third of the television screen to inform the viewer of other programs (or "broadcast events" as television marketers refer to them as) the station is currently pushing, but intrusive in-programming advertising for sponsors was thought to be the exclusive tool of internet ad sales people who don't have the luxury of being able to sell ad space in between program segments to a captive audience. That may not be the case for very long, though! I snapped this pic of   A friend of mine snapped this pic of a 7pm Family Guy broadcast on WCCT, a CW affiliate, that shows a full-blown banner ad for an injury attorney smack dab in the middle of the broadcast! Maybe I don't watch enough tv to have noticed this happening, but it seems to me that traditional advertising is toying with the idea of taking a (not necessarily welcome) page from internet marketers. Has anyone else seen this??? I was pretty stunned when I saw it, to be honest.

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