Friday, August 17, 2012

Digital Marketing for the digitally challenged?

In a world filled with billions of products and services to choose from, digital marketing is the upcoming tool that allows companies to not only exploit their consumer base more effectively, but has become the oxygen mask helping many of these companies survive in the 21st century. While maintaining good management, productive financials and a healthy workforce, firms are now expected to sustain a high digital IQ too. Digital IQ is used to gauge how effectively a business comprehends the value of the Internet and technology, and consequently integrates these effectually in the fabric of their organization. A company with a high digital IQ for example in the magazine industry like the Times, is not considered a digital genius because it employs a high IT budget but because the brand is effectively able to leverage social media and the latest technology tools to reach out and build connections with its customers. Companies with a high digital IQ strategize by offering mobile tools for customers, measuring data through social media, mobilizing applications to the public cloud and are hence rewarded by high profits and greater company growth. So its time to jump on board and start mastering your digital marketing skills to raise the Digital IQ of your company.

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