Wednesday, August 15, 2012

FB's BigBrother Advertising Model

Below is a link to a relevant article regarding Facebook's struggles with monetizing advertisement as well as its transition to mobile.    
Looks like FB is not only having to hand hold corporations on why to advertise on FB, but also trying to tailor their systems according to the feedback these companies provide.  Adjusting to good feedback is necessary for all businesses but it seems as if FB is relying on them to structure their business.

Also, Facebook is now considering giving advertisers a sliver of data from conversations. For example, Facebook would tell advertisers how many people are talking about their brand, the top things they are saying and those people's demographics— article states FB would  not violate privacy policies by revealing information about individual people.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed this article, which was on the front page of the WSJ today. Loved how someone reported Zuckerberg, when asked about advertisers can be assured ROI, he said "That's a great question and we should probably have an answer to that, shouldn't we?"

    Interesting that yesterday it was reported George Soros bought Facebook. With the stock about 20% down from the open, you have to wonder if this is the bottom or if this article just highlights the fundamental problems Facebook will have charging advertisers.


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