Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Google Puts It’s Little Orb - Nexus Q – On Hold

Google has given an ambiguous reason – making the product “work even better” – for its decision to put the Nexus Q streaming media device on hold. Google planned to have Nexus Q be the answer to Apple TV, allowing customers to stream music and movies over internet connections.

According to the article, “Nexus Q sends content from your own collection or from YouTube to your existing TV and speaker systems. You control it through a separate Android phone or tablet. Google has called it the first social streaming device.”

If the Nexus Q is released, I question its probability for success… at the $299 price point, it certainly makes it less appealing than the Apple TV, which is priced at only $99. It is also not too promising if early customers are already saying they really want the product to do more. As one reviewer summarized unfortunately for Google: the product is “wildly overbuilt for its incredibly limited functions, and far too expensive."

Google did compensate the early purchasers for the delayed shipment by promising them a free orb when it is finally released. Maybe if this device is given out for free, it will have better odds of success…

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