Mobile Payment becomes more and more popular. The invention of
smart phone changes the daily consuming activities. You can use your smart
phone as price scanner, use it as mobile wallet, locate stores near us, and
make payments. Mobile is a rapidly changing space. For business to succeed in
today, it is not avoidable to utilize mobile phones around. All major
retailers, such as starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts, all developed their smart
phone applications. Take Dunkin’s Donuts as an example, tith such applications,
consumers can purchase card, adding money with push of a button, pay for
purchase from its mobile phone. You can buy mGift card and send it to friends
through Facebook or even through text msg. It also utilize the mobility of the
cell phone to locate close store and provide directions.
Mobile phone becomes the new wallet, storing credit card, maybe even
Identity card. Very soon, when I travel outside, we can probably all leave our
wallet at home and just bring our smart phone (and charger).
Personally, I cannot wait for the day when we can use our smartphones for EVERYTHING. I am all about convenience. And I am ok with giving up a fair degree of privacy to get it...even if that means more targeting advertising,etc. If I am going to be targeted by marketers anyway - then let them know me and everything I do.