Friday, August 03, 2012

Millenials Want To Party With Your Brand....

On the surface it seems easy. There are lots of ways for marketers to reach the all powerful Millenial group. Most are spending hours on TV, surfing the web, texting a friend, and checking Facebook.....all at the same time! They are exposed to tons of sounds and imagery, but are they listening?
To break through the clutter, a successful marketer has to understand the concept of fun. If your brand campaign is not fun, not fun enough to share, it's not going anywhere. Most clever branding has found a way to engage this audience, across different channels, in ways that resonate with them.
Campaigns that are competitive, that make use of direct input from this group, shows that the brand 'gets' them. For example, a beer brand might focus on the insight that what people really want is the social aspect of getting together, rather than the pure taste or texture of the beer itself. The brand, using that critical insight, can create a campaign based around music concerts, sponsored by them. Relevant music, relevant looking people, an atmosphere that the audience considers himself/herself to be a part or, aspires to be part of such a group.
Branding is all about creating the image that the target audience feels a part or aspires to be a part. Simply put, it's a velvet rope effect. The brand might not be everyone, but it feels like "it's for me." Make it fun, strategically be on many platforms, and the brand can create buzz.

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