Monday, August 20, 2012

Mobile comes in all sizes

Mobile comes in all sizes
With mobiles in all sizes, i.e. smart phone, computer and tablet, companies develop websites accordingly. However, tablet and smart phone version typically is just a smaller version of the PC website, with flash play removed sometimes.
However, company misses the point that different mobiles devices have their own characters. Tablet has better graphic, nice presentation but it is less accurate to navigate with touch screen. Advertisements on tablet can put more graphic, bigger button, and utilize its mobility for locations.

Smart phone, compare with tablet, is even smaller. Consumer won’t do much of content searching with minimum typing. Graphic won’t be suitable for smart phone as screen is smaller, and details becomes impossible to identify. Very easy to ready with minimum content reading would be the best for smart phone shoppers.

The main point is not to identify exactly what to do with Tablet websites and smart phone websites, the important point is to notice that there are significant difference among PC website, Tablet website and smart phone website they all appear different on device. A simplified version simply does not cut

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