Friday, August 10, 2012

More Old Media Buying New Media

In more pathetic attempts to stay relevant, Gannett has been rumored to be purchasing this Facebook centric ad software company.  My favorite thing about this transaction is that the author below says the rationale is clear.  What?  what are you talking about.  Gannett is a news organization focused on prime content.  yes ad sales are an important part of that.  but buying software companies that should be either natural partners or vendors just wreaks of desperation.  I know the newspaper business is dying but is it time for hail mary deals.  It's good for the ad tech entrepreneurs who can hold these people hostage with semi-useful solutions and REALLY REALLY HIGH price tags.  I just don't get this type of acquisition.  Definitely speaks to the importance of social and hopefully continues to rally people's concerns about Facebook's prospects of growing revenue.  But as far as news gathering and distribution company strategy goes, this is simply lame.

Another Big Social Marketing Exit: Gannett Will Buy BLiNQ Media For Up To $92M

On the heels of Google buying Wildfire and Salesforce nabbing Buddy Media, we have heard from two very reliable sources, plus a third anonymous source, that Gannett Co., the media giant that owns USA Today and other properties, is buying BLiNQ Media. The price for the Facebook advertising software and service is up to $92 million over a period of three to four years, with a quarter of that amount, $23 million, coming up front.
We hear the purchase agreement has been signed and the pair are now marching towards a close at the end of this month. The rationale behind the deal is clear: when brands buy ad placements on Gannett properties, it could use BLiNQ to also sell them ads on social sites and collect a solid margin. → Read More

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