Since this release included both dollars and units, we can easily derive average price. In 2Q12 Apple sold 5.7M ipad 2's for $2.9B. This would render an average price of $506. Since the ipad 2 is only offered at 2 price points, $399 and $529, this blended $506 price implies the 82% of all ipad2 sales were for the premium version.
Apples seems to have found a pricing sweet spot. They've managed to find the customers willingness to pay to have a 3G option over just a wifi version. It should be noted that the $129 does not commit you to a 3G plan, it just give you the ability to have one should you decided you need it.
Also here are a couple interesting graphs from Asymco comparing the unit sales:
Interesting post.With a US population of 314 million, 5.7 M Ipad sales is actually 1.8%. By limiting the population to the 15-64 only, this number goes up to almost 3% of the USA population having Ipad. Narrowing it down to the tablet population , 20% of the market are ipad user. Knowing that ipad is the most expensive tablet out there, this actually confirms that people are willing to pay more for it! Estimates say that tablet market with grow double in 2012, which means 29% of all 15-64 will have tablets.Assuming Ipad popularity will continue to grow, this means 11 Million units for 6 billion sales. Studies show that with the highest sales over the past two years, compared to iphones, netbooks, ipods,etc. ipad has become the most popular device in history.