Sunday, August 12, 2012

smart phone smart way

                Smartphones (like the iPhone): Up 193% year over year in absolute terms as their share of AdMob's traffic in an expanding market grew from 35% to 48%
                Feature phones (like most Samsung, Nokia and LG phones): Up 31% in absolute terms as the mobile Internet space expanded. But their share of AdMob's traffic fell from 58% to 35%
                Mobile Internet devices (chiefly the iPod touch, but also connected game systems like the Sony PSP and Nintendo DSi): Up 403% in absolute terms as their traffic share grew from about 7% to 17%.
This shows clear trend that emerging channels of digital marketing will be new frontier. In order to make sales, companies need to fulfill customer’s needs of using Tablet PC and Smart phone to execute more and more transactions. Teens, who are the future consumers, uses the new communication channels more as mainstream. Still only a few companies provide application/ sales analysis.
See one example

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