Thursday, August 02, 2012

Social Media Are Giving a Voice to Taste Buds

Social Media Are Giving a Voice to Taste Buds

Social media is transforming the way that consumer research is conducted. More than focus groups, research and trend analysis, social media is enabling marketers to go directly to the source – to the people. Frito-Lay is one example of this as they ask visitors to Facebook to vote. This provides a lot of useful data including geographic data (if certain taste preferences prevail in certain regions.)
This is just one example of many companies soliciting feedback via Facebook and utilizing the copious amount of data available through social media. This eliminates speculation. Wal-Mart considers this so important that they acquired social media company Kosmix due to its ability to extract trends from social media conversations. It utilizes buzz to determine when interest in certain products are trending high to enable Wal-Mart to know what products to stock and when and where.  When Starbucks launched cake-pops, Wal-Mart detected the buzz around it and decided to stock cake-pop makers – which became a huge success.
Not only is there a lot of data but it is from a broader audience than may be in focus groups. Focus groups and customer panels may self-select as participants may not necessarily be young fad followers. Through social media, marketers are getting data on the preferences of a younger audience.
Given heightened privacy concerns, this could face challenges, but for the time being, it seems like marketers are swimming in a sea of data to better inform their decisions.

1 comment:

  1. Social media is a quick and dirty way to get real time information. It can provide quantative support very easily- provided you understand the caveats of the methodology, namely who is your audience, what are their natural tendencies, etc.

    It's a fun way to engage your customers and consumers. I would easily vote for a new chip flavor. Is Cheetos ever going to sell their hot/spicy version on the east coast? However, I would hesitate to make large business decisions just on social media research alone.


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