Thursday, August 02, 2012


OK - going to get this one last blog post in right under the wire. 7:31am - Just in the knick of time!
And speaking of "time" - it has finally happened to me. I've been "Timelined" - much to my dismay.  Let me explain - the organizational part of me actually likes certain aspects of the Facebook Timeline, and the fact that you can go back years and years without much trouble is pretty cool.  But it is jumbled up, it is harder to hide posts you don't want people to see, and it seems like more and more information is being published.  Naturally, whenever Facebook rolls out a major change such as this, the conspiracy theorist in me also wonders what other changes are happening within the infrastructure (PRIVACY!!!) that are being missed because of people's reaction to the new template.

I noted before that I was an early-ish adopter of Facebook - October 2004 (it is now on my Timeline if you don't believe me) and I, like many early adopters, have reacted negatively almost every single time Facebook has made a major change.  "Walls," "Statuses," opening it up to high schoolers, opening it up to everybody, "Tagging"....there is always a backlash to some degree.
And yet. I am still on it. And almost everyone I know is still on it. And these changes, no matter how I originally viewed them, have made Facebook what it is today. I am not saying that it is without fault - and I do still believe that children should not be on it -  but in retrospect, I can see that each one of these major changes have been a logical part of the process to make Facebook a global phenom.
It will be interesting to see where the Timeline fits into their master plan and what is next. But I am betting that now that people's information and events have been organized in a coherent and easy to navigate way, it won't be long before we see actual "Books" being created by Facebook. Hey - I could be wrong, but Facebook has got to figure out how to make money somehow!

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