Wednesday, August 01, 2012

We have your sister

Google looks to have the upper hand, in what could be a battle to the death between two giants of the Internet. Their acquisition of social marketing platform, Wildfire, is a major development and perhaps a real blow to Facebook. Wildfire is a two-and-a-half year old player that lets brands manage all their marketing and advertising stuff in one place. And, this move means Google has something today, it didn’t have yesterday…leverage with the top social services online, including Facebook. Wildfire has in fact built itself on the idea of expertise in Facebook marketing.

So what is this about? Well, it’s fairly simple actually. Google is determined to take over the world of online marketing. According their blog: “We’re happy to share that the Wildfire team will be joining Google. … With Wildfire, we’re looking forward to creating new opportunities for our clients to engage with people across all social services.” 

The timing of this deal is worth noting. Facebook is currently coming under pressure from both advertisers claiming to have lost money to so-called click-bots, and marketers that want less generalities and more proof of ROI. [Click-bots, in case you didn't know, click on ads, which means advertisers are charged even though a live person didn’t actually see or engage with the ad…not cool].

So in the war to control the web, Google has taken its gloves off today. Is it really that big a deal? Well, as an aside, it’s worth mentioning that one of Mark Zuckerburg’s sisters, works for Wildfire and is therefore now a Google employee. Ouch!

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