Thursday, August 09, 2012

YouTube: The Secret Ingredient for Job Recruitment

YouTube the 3rd most visited website behind Google and Facebook and 2nd most popular search engine is becoming a major pitching avenue for recruiters to attract talent and engage targeted audience to show the company culture (why its great to work for the firm basically)

The factors making YouTube a recruiting hunt-ground (and competition to LinkedIn) are:
- Popularity of YouTube as mentioned above
-YouTube visitor demographic of 18 - 54 years (working age visitors)
-Job postings with Video Icon are viewed 12% more and receive a 34% greater application rate
-Applicants are 2x more likely to visit company website after watching a video. regular postings can help your site receive 200% - 300% more unique visitors
- 185 Job related searches are conducted through Google each month and Videos appear in 70% of Top 100 search listings

Should YouTube add a recruiting channel (did not see one when skimmed through the website) and become a force to reckon with in "Online Recruiting"? My thoughts : worth a shot..should'nt hurt!

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