Monday, October 29, 2012

2nd Screen Usage = Growing Digi Marketing Frontier

A new study reveals that 80% of smartphone & tablet owners use their devices while watching TV. The continuing rise of second screen usage is making mobile devices a more critical customer touchpoint for marketing strategy. 

So just what are these second screeners doing while watching their fave TV programming?
Most are browsing the Internet - mainly retail, social networking & search engine sites. 

What is really telling is that the study also found that 41% of second screeners were prompted to look for a product online after seeing a TV ad. For brands - it's imperative to have a marketing campaign that targets all screens with cohesive brand messaging and presence.

Furthermore this environment creates more opportunities for marketing integrations across platforms. Imagine a world where you're watching the latest episode of Real Housewives when your iPhone alerts you with a discount code for a brand just as the TV commercial for the brand coincidentally airs simultaneously.

Timing is everything...

1 comment:

  1. 2nd screen actually had a booth at the NYC advertising week. I had the chance to look at their product and it's an interesting concept. I'm curious to see if this will take off. I think this would actually be very useful for fashion. For example, I loved Anne Hathaway's outfits in Devil Wears Prada or the clothes in Friends. If users can find out information on actor clothing, this could help retailers.


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