Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Brad Pitt's Chanel No. 5 Ad = Viral Hit or Miss?

Actor Brad Pitt recently made headlines for being the 1st man to ever become the face of the iconic brand Chanel No. 5.The marketing campaign launched with a digital push by posting short teaser videos online that led up to the release of the full commercial on Oct. 15th. The commercial instantly went viral. To date, the official YouTube video has close to 5 million hits. But it's debatable if this is a good thing for the brand or the A-list star since the commercial has been widely mocked and criticized. In fact, the viral video has inspired numerous video spoofs ranging from Saturday Night Live to organization The Pet Collective which substitutes Brad with a dog.

So is this an #epicfail or #epicsuccess for Chanel's digital marketing team? I guess time and fragrance sales will tell us...

Official Commercial

SNL Spoof

The Pet Collective Spoof

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