Monday, October 01, 2012

Facebook Stalking Exposed! (But Only to You...For Now)

For all those Facebook users who like to check up on exes, friends, coworkers, or acquaintances on the careful. The company announced on its blog that it will now be including searches on users' activity log. The activity log also includes your "likes," photos, news stories, etc -- and is visible only to you. The move brings into question how Facebook will better tailor search results moving forward and whether the firm will begin to open up more settings and user data to advertisers, brands, and...(gulp) even other Facebook users. For now, the settings are all private to the user (i.e., only you will be reminded of your stalker-tendencies on the activity log). Users can also delete this activity if they wish, just as they can delete other activities on their log.

See the full article here: and Facebook's blog post here:

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