this article is based on a research run by Accenture on Holiday Shopping, confirming the power of mobile.
What I found really compelling is that now mobile is not anymore just an additional channel a brand can include in its marketing and distribution strategy. It has become an essential piece of the strategy. Especially when dealing with consumer gooods and personal items. As the report indicates, 25% consumers are expected to shop through mobile. That means that if a brand is not present on-line, through a user friendly app, developed for all the mobile devices, with a high quality of renderings of the products, and well marketed through brick & mortar and on-line advertising, that brand risks to loose up to 25% of sales! As I commented in other recent blogs, even in this case, stand the rule of "not just being there, but being there effectively, providing a unique shopping experience". So, the challenge is doubled!
Just as an example, the article cites, what they are expecting for next Black Friday:
percent plan to shop from Black Friday – the day after Thanksgiving –
to the end of November. This is an increase from 19 percent in the 2011
survey results.In addition, 56 percent of respondents are likely
to participate in “showrooming.”
So, it becomes even more urgent if, as the report indicates, we think that 56% of consumers will participate in showrooming (After seeing a product in-store, they
will search online for the best price and purchase online).
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