Monday, October 08, 2012

The Mobile Transformation and Facebook

A new study from Macquarie Research tries to pinpoint exactly how Facebook's 1 billion + users are actually using the site, which poses great importance for the implications of Facebook's advertising model and going-forward stock price. The research highlighted the dramatic shift to mobile usage that has occurred even just over the past year for users aged 15 - 24, as 56% of users are accessing Facebook primarily from a mobile device, up from 24% the previous year. Furthermore, 61% of women get to the site via mobile, compared to 51% of men, and all of these numbers are estimated to just keep getting larger as time progresses. Facebook needs to keep up with its increasingly mobile audience, with a focus on building out its mobile interface, the viewer's experience as ads need to get more mobile, and get creative with new ways of mobile advertising that its ad base will undoubtedly push for once it sees these demographic statistics. Continuing to acquire and develop mobile-linked apps like Instagram - which has been a very successful acquisition aligned with this mobile shift - is going to be needed for Facebook to continue to stay relevant for its 1 billion + users.

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