Monday, November 26, 2012

Ad:Tech 2012: New Insights, Facts, and Cool Ad Technologies

Ad:Tech New York 2012 had sessions ranging from digital advertising to content development of all types to social media to search marketing to integration and development to email and data management to investing.

This year was also a year that had more consumer product brands like MasterCard, GE, Revlon, L'Oreal, The Gap, Hallmark, Unilever, Kimberly-Clark, and Target, to name a few. It used to be that the only brand names seen at ad:tech conferences were Internet brands (Google, Yahoo, etc.); they were soon joined by media outlets and innovative brand leaders (Coca-Cola, Heinz, etc.).

Another trend is that no fewer than 15 of the 48 ad:tech presentations touched on or featured mobile subject matter. "Location-Based Advertising" panelist Marcus Startzel, general manager, North America of mobile ad platform Millennial Media, pointed out that "relevancy is being redefined by mobile." With mobile, the marketer can now literally define and serve ads not only by geography, but specifically by location. It flips the emphasis from content to the context of the user.

Some other facts observed from the event:
  • Website traffic from tablets is set to outpace traffic from smartphones by January 2013 (!!) (Adobe Digital Index report).

  • While watching TV, 84 percent of tablet owners browse the Internet and 59 percent shop (Google/Ipsos "Our Mobile Planet").

  • Four out of five smartphone owners use their phones to help with shopping (Google/Ipsos "Our Mobile Planet").

  • Amazon saw two times growth in mobile revenue to $2 billion in 2011.

  • Four in 10 mobile users conduct a local search every day (Google).

  • Mobile search will take over PC search by 2015 (eMarketer).

  • 70 percent of mobile searches result in a call to a business, visit, or purchase within the same day (Microsoft).


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