Thursday, November 29, 2012

age discrimination in silicon valley

This article is nuts - apparently lots of tech people in Silicon Valley who are older than 35 feel compelled to present themselves as young and hip in order to get good tech jobs.  This article talks about how "older" tech industry professionals are changing their wardrobes to t-shirts and sneakers and are getting plastic surgery and dying their hair to look younger.  Older workers are ditching their blackberries and wristwatches for iOS and Android devices and taking other steps to look like they are more in touch with tech trends.

Their precautions doesn't seem unreasonable.  The article quotes VCs who unapologetically declare that people older than certain age thresholds are less fit for the job.  Many successful career CEOs describe getting passed over by younger people who have much less experience or accomplishments under their belts.    I found this story to be kind of sad and a little unsettling - I didn't think I'd have to worry about age discrimination until I was much, much older.

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