Monday, November 19, 2012

Asia Pacific on the Front Lines of Digital Ad Spend

A new report released by Adobe reveals that the majority of advertisers in the Asia Pacific region will spend more than half of their ad $$$ on digital platforms within 3 years. The study surveyed 300 marketers across the region. Other key takeaways:
  • Australian marketers have been early adopters of digi marketing with 41% already allocating 1/4 of their budget to digital tactics.
  • In Hong Kong, 28% of marketers allocate at least 1/4 of ad spend to digital.
  • 93% of the marketers in the study see a competitive advantage in digital marketing.
  • Most popular digital channel = Website content + development
  • Runner-ups = Email marketing + SEO
Is it surprising that fewer marketers in this region are spending money on social media, paid search and display ads?

How much will this change over the next 3 years?

Source: Source

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