Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Cyber Monday… the new Black Friday?

During yesterday’s class, we were able to see the first metrics from last Black Friday. Today, IBM Smarter Commerce released the same results for yesterday’s Cyber Monday. Online sales are estimated to be up by 43% over last year and mobile sales are up 96%. The iPad seems to be one of the main drivers in the surge.
According to the preliminary results, the most searched products were the Kindle Fire and the Ugg boots and the most successful website were CyberMonday.com, Amazon, Target, Walmart and MSN.Money.
These very encouraging results let retailers hope that the coming holiday season, critical for their results, will be more dynamic than it was last year.
More interestingly, Black Friday and Cyber Monday definitely validated a shift of on-line sales from computers to mobile devices. This trend is going to continue and leaves a huge space for retailer to better advertise their products and connect with their customers. All location-based services for mobile and web-surfing experiments for tablets are great ways to re-energize the market and make the overall shopping experience more appealing.

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