Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Facebook Gifts Adds iTunes Gift Credits For Digital Content


 Facebook enters the  gift-giving service and enters the e-commerce market.
Marketers are still largely unconvinced how much social platforms (aside from Pinterest) can drive e-commerce.
For Facebook it  essentially comes down to the scale of its user base, even if a clear use case for when and why someone would gift-shop on Facebook hasn't materialized yet.But it certainly has made gift giving more frequent and casual.

"By making gift-giving free, we've found many more reasons for you to send gifts," said Wrapp Chief Operating Officer Carl Fritjofsson, who noted that women make up 75% of its current user base.

Wrapp lets users send gift certificates for small amounts like $5 or $10 to their Facebook friends at no cost to them, essentially disguising a coupon as a present.ase.

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