Touch Google Chromebook??
Google is reportedly planning the launch of a touch-enabled chromebook, which could be as soon as December 2012. This step would be following what Microsoft is doing with Windows 8, which adds touchscreen capabilities into a laptop.
This presents an exciting possibility for the consumers! Will this device be the first to run on both Chrome OS and Android? Would it simply run a modified version of Chrome OS? Or can Google come up with a merged Chrome-Android OS? Or would it be an exciting hybrid design that can be used both as a tablet and as a laptop, starting a revolutionary backwards trend: consumers satisfying all needs in 1 device?!
I see Chrome OS and Android merging (or Android prevailing) in the future. Chrome OS is basically just the chrome browser and web apps. Android now also has the Chrome browser, so it's better than Chrome OS since it also has a great app store. Chromebooks and tablets are being used for the same purposes right now, mostly browsing, email, and consumption. The difficulty I guess is that Chrome OS was meant to be for keyboard devices, and Android for touch. It will be a challenge to build an interface that will work for both.