A Digital Superbowl
For its second year, CBS will be live-streaming the Superbowl. This format offers an inventory of ads at much lower prices than conventional TV ads during the Superbowl. In Ad Age's article, "Ads in Super Bowl's Digital 'Second Screen' Nearly Sold Out," a CBS executive anticipates that the digital showing of the game will have social features and "never-been-done-before camera angles." With over 2 million viewers last year and past year growth in tablets, CBS expects growth in its live-streaming of events like the Superbowl, which is further encouraged by the high demand for digital advertising in it programming.
This is a great way for brands to leverage second screening habits of consumers. The only downside for CBS is probably going to be that consumers frequently look to a different second screen source - ESPN or the Verizon football app - as to not have a duplicative feed on TV and on their second screens. While the advertising content will be different, what will CBS do to enhance the value of the game for viewers? In depth commentary? Better stats updates? Ticker puppy bowl updates?