Saturday, December 01, 2012

ComScore Launches Multi-Platform Audience Measurement

ComScore, a tech company that measures what people do on the Internet, launched a new Media Metrix Multi-Platform audience measurement system this week. What is notable about this new product is that for the first time, ComScore is incorporating audience metrics from online, mobile, and video platforms into one platform, enabling clients to see how their customers are behaving across multiple devices.

This new measurement tool could be very helpful for mobile content providers, many of whom currently sell advertising space on mobile devices at steep discounts, up to 80% off desktop rates. While many of the big players are still at the top in terms of traffic once mobile audiences incorporated, these new ratings have provided big boosts to large mobile players such as ESPN and Pandora.

Media Metrix Multi-Platform will be in beta for the next couple months, but its launch is already eagerly anticipated by major digital media investors including Fred Wilson of Union Square Ventures who said, "As an active investor in mobile and web businesses, I have been dying for an accurate consolidated view of web, mobile web, iOS, and Android audience data. comScore has delivered exactly what I've been seeking for the U.S. audience and I am looking forward to seeing them tackle the global audience next."

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