Monday, December 03, 2012

iOS Dominates Mobile Web Browsing

Apple iOS users tend to be much heavier mobile web browsers compared to Android users. This tendency hasn't changed much over the past 6 months, despite the introduction of a variety of new Android hardware. 

What tilts the balance towards iOS users is the tablet market, as the smartphone browsing usage is pretty even between iPhones and Android powered smartphones. The iPad really dominates the tablet market, but for how long? The Nexus 10 is in fact thinner and lighter than the iPad, and with better screen resolution and at a lower price point. Is this enough to make loyal iOS users to switch OS from their smartphone to their tablet? 

Overal, this data is affecting how advertisers target their mobile ads, since it suggests that a greater percentage of the mobile web-based audience is coming from iOS devices (at least for now). Why is this important? User demographics...iOS users are believed to have a slightly different demographic makeup than Android users.

1 comment:

  1. What's also interesting is that iOS has a significantly higher click through rate on than Android.

    "At 0.78 percent, iOS gets 37 percent more clicks than the second place competitor. And that second place competitor isn't Android. Android OS is getting beaten by both the "Other" category and Symbian. At 0.47 percent CTR, Android has 40 percent fewer clicks than iOS."


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