Saturday, December 01, 2012

Singles go for smartphones, while couples like tablets?

This story suggests that most single people use smart phones while married ones use tablets according to a new study released today by marketing firm The Search Agency and Harris Interactive. "Married people are often older, have more disposable income and can more easily justify superfluous pieces of technology, such as tablets,"

The study was conducted with more than 2,000 US adults, and showed some interesting facts:

  • 49 percent of single respondents owned a smartphone, while only 43 percent of married people owned one. 
  • 45 percent of married couples had a tablet and only 36 percent of singles owned such a device
  • 55 percent of smartphone owners use their device to search, even when a computer is within reach
  • 53 percent of Millennials are more likely to shop on the job than their older counterparts
  • 78 percent of adults use a second screen, for example looking at a computer to get more information when watching TV

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