Monday, December 03, 2012

Smart Use of Social Media by Tesco's Wine Business

Tesco, the UK-based mega grocer and the world's second largest retailer in terms of profits, has launched an online platform intended to build a community around the grocer's wine business. The site is aptly named "Tesco Wine Community." I think this is a really great idea, given that a) Tesco has a huge customer base; b) wine is intimidating and people have lots of questions, but may be hesitant to ask them when they are in the store; c) wine is a generally (you would hope) a social product, encouraging conversation and sharing. A screenshot of the site is below and I've then listed several features and benefits that I think work particularly well:

Key Benefits / Features

  • Links to other lines of Tesco's business: The site features a "Food & Wine" section, a natural pairing given the topic, but also an excellent opportunity to promote recipes and dishes using Tesco's grocery items.
  • Provides immediate access to ecommerce site: The information about wine links directly to the ecommerce site of Tesco where users can easily purchase the wine they've been reading about.
  • Enables users to add reviews and commentary: The Tesco wine community has a section for customers to review and rate various wines, giving Tesco a database of information & market research on products AND providing a differentiator vs. other wine outlets.
  • Offers deals and perks to users: Not only does the site reward users through the ability to acquire various "status" levels, Tesco also uses the community page to advertise sales on wines and special promotions (e.g., a trip to Argentinian wine country - a blog post that received ~1,400 comments).
-Rebecca Canan

1 comment:

  1. Nice way to connect with their customers. It would be great if you could actually see all the wines that Tesco sells, and be able to read and write reviews for each of them.

    Tesco seems to be doing a good job adopting technology. Many of us have probably seen this already, but I really liked their virtual supermarket in South Korea


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