Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Social Media and TV - a new area of focusing for marketers

A very interesting interview transcript was published by Knowledge@Wharton about the integration of social media and television, discussing the merits of harnessing the power of social media buzz for marketing.

Social media has provided a great forum for viewers to discuss and debate their favorite television programs. The article highlights The Voice as one show that has garnered a lot of word of mouth popularity via social media. Professor Hill and her team conducted a study to determine what actually caused growth in the word of mouth, and found that triggers were primarily hashtags or tweets that led to user engagement.

Shows are beginning to experiment with displaying tweets live during a program, whether from viewers or show participants, which also increases user engagement.

Viewers could benefit from increased study in this area because advertising could become more targeted based on user engagement and feedback.
For more information, check out the interview at the link below.

-Linda Lou

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