Monday, December 10, 2012

Top 33% of app users responsible for 76% of time spent in apps

As we covered in class, the number of mobile device users is growing and will soon overtake that of desktops.SessionM has identified some interesting statistics regarding smartphone app behavior. The top one-third of app users are responsible for over 75% of the time spent in apps; these power users are least engaged on Mondays. Additionally, a loyalty or rewards program will effectively raise the engagement with the app.

This is interesting because I think that the promotional/loyalty/rewards type of feature in an app will increase in general, which may increase app use overall. I think as more mobile device owners adopt app use, the top one-third users may be responsible for less of the time spent in apps. I think this will be an good statistic to keep track of as apps continue to develop strategies to retain user engagement and as more mobile owners use apps over the internet.

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