Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Display Marketing - Videos

I’ve been a movie buff since I can remember.  Not that I really had a choice since movies are a bit of a family tradition started by my grandmother “Granny Dura Anne”.  Granny would literally go to blockbuster (when they were relevant) and buy an arm full of movies.  Over the years she amassed literally thousands of films on VHS, the transition to DVD was a hard one for her to accept.  But needless to say when companies take the time to present their “experience” or products through a creative video I’m instantly and emotionally engaged.

When I came across TechCrunches “Google Admits It Spams TheHell Out Of You In New Gmail Commerical” it made me think of a few companies/startups that hooked me while selling me. Gmail addresses their Google+ spamming by easily allowing users to filter mail in a new way, here is the Google video.  Although, you could always filter specific emails to folders; to the unsophisticated emailer it looks like a solution to a problem you may or may not have even noticed.  Google’s catchy tunes and sharp product demo make the user want to open Gmail and get to work.  Could be why I have four Gmail accounts… damn you Google and your beautiful videos! But Google hits that mark and their videos inspire action.

Other companies like NYC based start-up Kohort used video marketing in a different way, beta launch build up.  If you’re unfamiliar, Kohort is a firm founded by entrepreneur turned venture capitalist turned entrepreneur Mark Davis, also a Columbia MBA.  Prior to Kohort's launch they were in stealth mode meaning they strategically let the press know they raised a large sum of money and encourage users to reserve their usernames before they were all gone BUT did not actually tell you what they did.  They had a mysterious buzz so when they finally launched in May of 2011 they already had thousands of users eager to use their product (me included) but no clue what it was.  They produced this AMAZING video to explain their offering. Unfortunately, for Kohort their commercial is the best part of their company.  The user interface and overall site design misses the mark, but that’s a topic for another day.  Although their product execution is horrible, Kohort's video does execute and again encourages the user to at the very least test the product.

When done properly video can inspire consumers to act by either signing up or buying a particular product or service.  Videos are an easy way, again if done correctly, to emotionally connect a brand with an individual.  Just don’t over sell your capabilities and fall into the Kohort trap.  

What videos hit the mark for you?

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