Monday, May 27, 2013

Millennial's competitive advantage on the workplace

The Millennial generation (born 2000 and beyond) brings new dynamics and disruptions to the workforce. Millennial's impact to the workplace can be categorized into three broad categories, self branding, entitlement, and right fit. First, with the advent of mobile and digital technology,  Millennials are differentiating themselves from the mass is evident and ubiquitous. For example, they use blogs to get as many hits as possible to raise their visibility. Also, through introspection and leverage natural strength, Millennials are  effective at differentiating in a genuine manner than earlier generations. Second, Millennials have no fear to ask for jobs, promotions and dreams. With this entitlement behavior, Millennials tend to achieve more wants than the earlier generations.  At the same time, they have not much to lose to ask for entitlement because worse case is a "NO" response. Third, Millennials are focused to find perfect fitted career. Armed with unprecedented amount of knowledge in the information age, they have a plethora of choices. Consequently many are taking the time to reach a decision realizing that work is the most time spent in a lifetime. Considering these Millenials' dynamics and complexities, in the years ahead, older generations must learn and  adapt to Millennial culture to remain competitive and to succeed in business.

To read more Millenials’ impact at work, visit

1 comment:

  1. Having a couple of children in this age range I do agree with this assessment, however as my children will tell you I have a somewhat different viewpoint than they do.
    I believe that "entitlement" needs to be earned, rather than just claimed, especially at such an early age. Raises, promotions, etc. normally require some outstanding actions or contributions by the person requesting such things before they are granted.


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