Sunday, June 09, 2013

Baby Walkers in the Digital Age

I recently became a mom. My daughter is 8 months old and like any other parent, my husband and I want the best for her. Unfortunately, the best has been quite challenging. We have always been googlers searching for relevant information, reviews –basically any information that would help us make better decisions. We are no different now that we have a dependent. For those parents out there, you know that at 7/8 months, your child is trying to stand and is most likely crawling. At this point, parents are considering walker for their little bundle of joy.  We were all set to purchase one – grandparents included – as they could not wait to see little Ava racing back in forth on the hardwood floors.
We decided to just check reviews – just for our own edification or maybe to check the box or maybe to even find out what walkers parents are using. We typed in “benefits of walker”. Maybe that wasn’t the right mix of keywords but in any case, the results were really troubling. There were no “benefits” of a walker – atleast on the first page – and instead there were countless reputable pages of the negatives aspects of a walker. I digress. Keep in mind my this blog post is only a statement of the facts about our search on the internet and my opinion now about walkers. My siblings and I all had walkers – same goes for my husband – but at this point we will not be purchasing a walker. We can just wait for Ava to stand up and walk as nature intended.

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