Saturday, June 22, 2013

blogging, tweeting, and other things I didn't find time for before this class...

I always considered myself to be somewhat forward thinking and definitely embraced all sorts of gadgets, social media, and as my family and the UPS guy could tell you - LOADS of E-commerce.
But - it wasn't until this course though, that I really began to take the time to look into blogging and tweeting...I guess I've never really understood why I would want to make time to read about the thoughts and lives of people I don't even know, when I feel like I should be working on getting my own thoughts and life together.
Regardless, as per our assignment, I have set aside time each week to dig into the wide and wonderful world of digital marketing and have come across a number of blogs that I have found not only useful - but actually really interesting...and I'm afraid I may actually be hooked!
One person in particular caught my eye this week - her name is Clair Diaz-Ortiz.  She is currently an employee of Twitter in their Philanthropy department, has a really interesting background, and has written several books that I found entertaining...many of them downloadable as e-books!  You can check her out at
One posting in particular is a post about how she traveled all around the world for a year on only $18k and how she earned money by blogging!


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