Saturday, June 29, 2013

Digital data and Consumer Privacy

Blog# 5:
In a recent interview, head of Microsoft’s applications for HongKong  shared his opinion about data privacy of users.  Every free app that is made available to the consumer is collecting valuable information that can be used to track a user or sold to companies and marketers. The investment into creating the app is well returned in following the user and arriving at a comprehensive digital persona that can be used to find the appropriate buyers. 
While most people are aware that the photos they post are stored, they do not realize that meta-data about the camera brand/type, lens, and geolocation can also be stored as a part of user’s history. Similarly, he says, when he signs up for an app that says it’s tracking “vibration information,” he would never guess it was extrapolating transportation data like whether he was in a bike or car.
Technology companies need to increase transparency on how they communicate information about collection and use of data. To that end software developers need to play a greater role in privacy protection, creating tools that allow users to visualize and easily reconfigure their company’s data policies.

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