Saturday, June 01, 2013

Face book marketing (solicitation way)

     Recently, I got a weird solicitation, or friend request, from the stranger on Facebook. The stranger seems to be a woman given the name and used beautiful woman picture. She just sent me a friend request, but I didn’t have any clue on who was she. I ignored it.

     Few days later, I got another friend request from another stranger who seemed to be also a beautiful woman from the name and picture but I found that the sex was male on Facebook. I wondered why this guy did this action.

     I searched this and found that some companies sent friend request and try to get friend link connection with general public. Once they got the link, they try to communicate with that guy and to get know each other, pretending they are beautiful women… Finally, the company, which is kind of a long firm, tries to sell something to the deceived men. 

     Is this good marketing way? I definitely don’t think so but I heard that a lot of men were deceived already in Japan. I believe that the company must utilize this kind of way in a legal and good logical way, not illegal way.

Still, one mystery remains. They sent the same request to many people who has the same Last name… I don’t know why..

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