Saturday, June 15, 2013

Follow up to Blog 1 - Real Estate, Search, Social Media Oh My!

I found this article on It take another look at how search, digital marketing and social media have affected the real estate market. No longer is the traditional broker as useful (atleast for the apartment rental market) as he or she use to be. Further, if that broker isn't "accredited" by a popular social media site, he or she might as well retire. No longer is the real estate brokerage company as important - brokers are really self employed and need to brand themselves appropriately otherwise he or her career is over.

What I also find interesting and it is detailed a bit in this article is the social media sites dedicated to apartment hunting are sophisticated. One can put in keywords and get a good set of findings. It is great! Not many people can even claim brokers hit the nail on the head in terms of understanding what amenities or apartments his or her client is looking for.

Check out the link below:

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