Saturday, June 08, 2013

KPCB Internet Trends Report

For those that have not seen I would encourage you to go through the KPCB Internet Trends report published last week.  It is a fascinating report on the all things internet.  A couple of standouts that I think are particularly interesting:

Emering Markets Growth is Robust - In the last 5 years the US has added only 18mm internet users vs 264mm in China.  India is poised for the next phase of growth with only 11% of the population penetrated.

Social Media - Facebook still dominates social media usage but other sites are gaining ground and market share.  Where would you focus your limited advertising resources?

Mobile - Internet traffic on mobile platforms represents 15% of total internet traffic as of May 2013.  Just a year earlier this figure was 10%.  Trending this forward KPCB projects 25%-30% of all internet traffic will be mobile by the end of 2014. 

Online Education - No surprise that online education is becoming more accepted by academic leaders. 
With a 7.6% unemployment rate and twice the number of computer science job openings vs. graduates with a bachelor's in computer science, perhaps online education could help match the supply to the demand?

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