Thursday, June 13, 2013

Quick Wit Marketing - Its All About Timing!

   Social media has changed how we interact with our customers or fans (if you're famous!).  Long gone are the days where a large brand or a celebrity could tailor their message and hide bad reviews.  With companies like Yelp, Wikipedia, and YouTube consumers can now, in real-time, tell everyone just how bad your company sucks. Even if your company isn't in the wrong, that bad review is out there for life.

   However, social media provides savvy brands a unique opportunity.  For example if you're a football fan I'm sure you remember this years Superbowl Blackout.  But amidst all the multi-million dollar commercials this year, Oreo cookies stole the show.  As soon as the blackout happened their twitter post of "Power Out? No Problem...You Can Still Dunk In The Dark" had social media in a frenzy   This quick wit gained tens of thousands of retweets and Facebook likes and they didn't pay a dime in advertising costs.

   Most recently, Philadelphia based search engine  took advantage of the news reports of the US Government spying on citizens in the name of "Preventing Terrorism". They targeted the crazy souls who feel the government actually gives two cents about their amazon book purchases with this post "Opt out of Prism".  This post camouflages DuckDuckGo's marketing ploy detailing how their search engine doesn't follow your activity by also showing all the tools you can use to prevent the government from spying on you.

   If your company doesn't have a social media focus or quick witted tweeters and facebookers it should.  You can shape news to your favor and turn other peoples unfortunate public issues into a social media gain for your company.

   Does your company have a strong social media team? How are they using current news to leverage your brand?

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