Saturday, June 15, 2013

Smart Marketer:  Part 2

In last week’s blog I said that marketing is moving people.  Assuming you agreed with me the credibility of the company and its message is a significant factor in determining whether people are moved to action. Consumers are very weary of the many websites and blogs that are posted on the internet and are seeking validation of the content that is freely available.  There is more credence to websites from reputed names and byline articles by well-known writers. 

Therefore it very important for companies and individuals to build a consistent presence on the web and develop a history of adding valuable content that is insightful and balanced in presenting both sides of the argument in our global world. 

The latest trend in digital marketing is on content providing.  But the actual value of the content will materialize only when the author of the material has brand recognition.  So the savvy marketer should get a leg up on the competition by not only providing great content but also building a brand that is recognized as knowledgeable with high integrity.



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