Saturday, July 13, 2013

Blog # 6: Steps to Defining and Mapping the Customer Journey
The key to gaining, retaining and re-engaging a customer is knowing the customer’s journey cycle.  By learning about the customer’s journey it becomes easier to identify a customer’s buying pattern; create and target messages that will elicit relevant action to the purchasing pattern.  There are 3 steps to identifying the customer journey.
#1 – Define the customer buying journey.
Mobile devices and today’s ad technology make it easy to track the customer through his/her journey in B2C space.  This journey will in turn provide methods to track purchasing habits.   In B2B space, it is much harder to track the customer journey and buying patterns due to the controls imposed within a corporate culture. 
#2  Identify customer journey
The right sources of information, channel and context that can be used to correctly identify the customer journey.
#3 Use the customer journey to create marketing plans.
Armed with a knowledge of the definition of the customer journey and a method to identify the customer journey, the final step is to create plans that can be used  for maximum ROI.

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