Saturday, July 20, 2013

CMOs and the CIOs

In today’s world with the ever growing need to manage brands, consumer perception and engage in the events around the world in an appropriate manner a CMO’s best friend is good technology.  Marketing is becoming more reliant on big data, analytics; digitial marketing is inching towards making CMO budgets larger than the IT budgets.  Current research shows that CMO’s office is the largest driver of technology purchases within a company.

As digital marketing is becoming a key factor in a company’s business growth strategy, partnerships and alliance between CMOs and CIO will be required to deliver on goals which are now joint.  A company with a silo-ed organizational structure is a disadvantage compared to companies with cross-functional organizations. 

Integration of technology and marketing will increase the responsiveness of the marketing teams around the world. An example of one such would be analytics and tracking of the online searches and websites during a commercial being aired during a game or a show.  The marketing teams can create buzz around their brand similar to the Oreo cookie campaign during the blackout in the stadium during 2013 Super bowl game.  This cohesive integration of marketing into current events and trends will result in a better customer experience with the brand and make it more relevant.  

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