Tuesday, July 09, 2013

DVR the Untapped Ad Space

Advertising is big businesses just look at the amount of money Google pulls in on a daily basis.  If your website or TV show can generate eyeballs then companies are willing to pay to ensure those eyeballs also see their ads.  However, when was the last innovation regarding ads? I bet most “experts” would argue mobile is the way of the future but I disagree.

For years I’ve used my DVR to record shows, mainly SaturdayNight Live.  I’ve always thought for the 20 or so seconds I spend fast forwarding over commercials there is a lot of dead time where someone could be airing an ad.  With the evolution of  every device in your home being hooked to the internet I believe my concept is even more possible.  Now its up to some techie to figure out the code or an executive at Verizon to see this post and the light bulb to go off.

Do you think ads over DVR are possible? Do you think they would gain more traction than the commercials recorded over DVR?

1 comment:

  1. Possible but I am not sure we are there yet. Remember when DVDs came out.....we had the technology to skip the previews and the industry responded by blocking the fast forward function so you are now forced to watch the previews. Honestly, nothing bothers me more than having to wait five minutes while some out of date preview is forced upon me.

    I do agree that DVRs are a potential area for improved marketing. It would be great if the technology could be created that didnt record the commercials and put them at the front end with a user op out button.....kinda of like websites that put ads up over the content with a "X" for you to click out of. This solution keeps ads on you DVR while not forcing you to fast forward through commercials every five minutes.


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