Saturday, July 20, 2013

Facebook Ecosystem – from infrastructure to business tools

While display advertising does account for approximately 80 percent of Facebook revenue, and advertisers continue to add Facebook to their online media plans, marketers and commentators are divided on its efficacy.

The power of Facebook is realized when it is viewed and utilized as a rich social ecosystem that provides unparalleled opportunities for consumer engagement.

But in assessing the value of Facebook to advertisers, to focus narrowly on the impact of Facebook display may well be missing the point. The real power of Facebook is realized when it is viewed and utilized not just as another display channel but as a rich social ecosystem that provides unparalleled opportunities for consumer engagement. Advertisers that understand the nuances of this system can deploy fan pages, Facebook display advertising, and other marketing channels to great synergistic effect.

Facebook was once a startup company looking for investors.  Now, they’re a social networking giant that helps startups get on their feet and possibly go public in a matter of months or years. A perfect example of this is Wildfire Interactive – a 3-year-old startup that helps the likes of Sony, Virgin Atlantic Airways and Unilever engage with their customers via Facebook.

The latest addition to the Facebook ecosystem is the App Center – a platform that gives developers an additional way to grow their apps and creates opportunities for more types of apps to be successful.  Facebook hopes that the App Center will be the unifying app store for all mobile devices.  The App Center will start rolling out in the coming weeks and Facebookers can access this via the iOS or Android Facebook apps.  From infrastructure to business tools, it seems there’s no slowing Facebook down.


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