Friday, July 05, 2013

Funny videos – how all advertising should be done

Reading Jason Del Rey’s article “Online Razor Startup Not Yet Flush With Toilet Success,” about Dollar Shave Club’s new butt wipe product reminded me of how much I appreciate humor in advertising.  Why can’t all advertising be funny?  I have not seen any statistics on effectiveness, but from my own one person sample poll, humor definitely equates to being memorable.    And the reach of a funny video seems limitless with the viral nature of sharing via email and on a number of social networks.  So why aren’t we seeing more of it?  Are the costs too high for a swing and a miss?  Does the tradition of safe, non-offensive advertising trump all with established enterprises?  Hopefully we will see more of a shift to humor across the boards. 
You can enjoy DSC’s new video here: …and read the article too if you want.

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