Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Instagram As Digital Marketing Tool

With Instagram's rise in popularity, we have seen it being used as an effective tool for digital marketing. As the article linked to below says, "Instagram is great for building brand identity." It allows one to convey who they are as a company and what they stand for through the powerful medium of images. For my project team, I am spearheading the social strategy and have some ideas of powerful ways in which Instagram can be used as an effective digital marketing tool:

  • Keep customers aware of happenings - post real time photos of different events that are happening that may appeal to your customer base. This will allow the customers to associate you with fun events that portray your brand in the light you hope to cast, raise awareness about your events, and also keep your brand on the mind of the consumer.
  • Show your products - Instagram is a great way to show off both pictures / videos of your products and convenient use cases of your products. For example, if you make an iPhone case that guarantees your phone won't break, you could upload an Instagram video of you chucking your phone and it not breaking. Voila, powerful marketing.
  • Show that you care about the community - companies engage in corporate social responsibility for a variety of reasons, but primarily for customers to know that they care about their community and that they are not simply a profit-hungry soulless corporation. One can use Instagram to show its customers that it cares about the community by documenting photos and video of charity and volunteer events it has participated in or hosted.
Instagram provides another great channel for interacting with your customer and driving both brand awareness and conversions.

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