Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Omnicom & Publicis Merger

Yesterday, Omnicom and Publicis announced their merger to create the largest advertising company in the world- worth up to $35B. Many cried foul as this news broke since the deal would surely create anti-competitive environment for advertising. However, this announcement goes to prove that the web and social advertising has become such a big force that the more traditional advertising firms must adjust their strategy and respond.

It was interesting to read about how quickly in the last few decades, advertising shifted from being creative and artistic to data mining. (As a Mad Men fan, I'm sad to see this change...) Sites such as Google, Facebook, and Yahoo are able to gather and store so much information each consumer and target advertising based on each person's profile and preferences in a much more effective way. I guess we will see if Omnicom and Publicis joining forces can help them ride the wave into the new ad age.

To read more:

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