Saturday, July 06, 2013

The Best of Geek Week: The Sixth Sense

No, not the good movie that convinced us to watch six other mediocre M. Night Shyamalan movies. I am talking about the technology developed by a team at MIT that is blurring the lines between reality and science fiction.

I first read about the technology in an article in Fast Company and then I watched the Ted Talks video. This technology is simply amazing. Although the current version of the camera is clunky, the concept is brilliant. Imagine having a camera that interacts with your environment. Looking at a product that you want to buy and wondering if it is cheaper down the street? SixthSense can tell you immediately. Jumped bumped into a buddy and his girlfriend and you can't remember her name? Your heads up display can tell you.

It is not hard to see where Google glasses got their ideas. I highly recommend watching the video. Pranav Mistry is an engaging individual and the technology really makes you think about the possibilities for the future. 

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